Magdalena Frackowiak. The woman with square symetry. This face by all the rules of conventional beauty should not work. But it does. And how! Utterly gorgeous on second take, on first take impossibly captivating. I remember watching Fashion TV a few years ago, curled up on my sofa miserable at the rain for choosing to spoil my Sunday afternoon plans and...There she was on my screen. I was riveted as much by her face as her poise and natural ability to model. Those who are under the misguided notion that modelling is easy, well, you obviously have not tried it. Her body, her silhouette, her face, was made for this.
Love this, jet setting!!! You mentioned on my blog about a make-up post I did, I'm not a make-up artist, more of a jack-of-all art trades!!! Love your blog!!!
Drawn from the drizzle to the light.
There was the matter of the boyfriend.
From Heathrow to LAX.
London calling to the imitation zone.
Bad teeth, good tattoos, broken hearts and hotel rooms.
His rock star ill-behaviour redeemed by absolute talent.
Shacked up at the chateau.
An appetite for night that renders days blissful and obselete.
Thanks...I know what you mean about models...they're not human :) too perfect
WOW amazing close up's, such a beauty it almost hurts my eyes. Love love love :))
she blows my mind. such perfection!
Love this, jet setting!!! You mentioned on my blog about a make-up post I did, I'm not a make-up artist, more of a jack-of-all art trades!!!
Love your blog!!!
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